Backcountry 1946 Cessna 120

Landing roll OSH'23
Ready to explore your local backcountry! Larger tires make for easy landing/taxiing on soft + loose surfaces
KSGJ for AKRO training at PWAS
Super clean Continental C85 engine, 39 hours STOH. New mags, harness, starter, O/H generator, V/R, etc in the last 2 years
New interior 2022 with full Confor foam seats. Made for a very comfortable 15 hours from FL to WI (and back again)
Highlights of the extensive restoration and mx work completed over the last 2 years. Full digital logs available upon request
Grass strip flying
PAX side of engine
VFR panel - GTX327 w/tailbeacon for ADSB out, SL40 comm with stby freq monitor, EDM700 EMS, ram mount for GPS Nav on iPad
Camping out under the wing...
Hangared when not flying
All leading edges, prop, windscreen, etc wiped down after every flight to prevent corrosion
Increased AOA in landing attitude with larger mains/Scott 2000 TW. Full stall landings now 3pt vs tail 1st for better STOL perf
Freshly overhauled McCauley prop
Lower half of engine looking forward
Removable hat shelf for additional baggage capacity on long XC/camping/fly-in trips. 80lb limit
Tail cone looking aft behind the baggage area
I will ferry N72305 nationwide, anywhere in the lower 48+AK. It will be heartbreaking saying goodbye to this awesome 120...