1946 7CCM CHAMP C90-8

1946 7CCM CHAMP C90-8 • $39,000 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • 4491 TT, 549 SMOH, it’s a -8 engine so no starter or electrics - 805# empty weight, Stitts cover done 2004-2008, nice wood spars, 8:00-6 tires, Scott 2000 tailwheel, 13 gallon nose + 5.5 gallon wing tank, great performance. Wide bottom Federal 1500 skis, The C90 are hard to find and give the best performance in a Champ with a 74” prop, see the power chart pics for the small continental engines. The Champ is hangared at 12D, Tower MN. • Contact Brian Schanche - ADVENTURE SEAPLANES INC. , Owner - located Tower, MN 55790 United States Telephone: 612-868-4243 • 612-749-1337 • Posted March 8, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images