1964 Piper Comanche

1964 PIPER COMANCHE • $48,500 • PARTNERSHIP OFFERED • Nice 1964 comanche 250 with 5226 TTAF/ 308 TSPOH/ engine is a fuel injected IO-540-C 1B5 430 hours TSMOH by aircraft engine specialists on 11-23-04, Half interest $48,500.00 Has a basic panel, tip tanks and aux tanks for a total of 120 gallons. Front seats recovered and new carpeting. 4 place intercom system installed 08-21-24. ADSB in and out..Location KGJT Log book information on request.The Compressions are #1 75/80, #2 72/80, #3 73/80, #4 75/80, #5 74/80, #6 74/80. This has a fresh annual completed • Contact Steve Menzies , Owner - located Fruita, CO 81521 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 3, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images