2008 Aviat Husky A-1C-180

2008 AVIAT HUSKY A-1C-180 • $269,995 • ACCEPTING OFFERS • MOTIVATED SELLER…BRING OFFER! 2008 Husky A-1C-180 on PK2250 Amphibious floats, 445 TTAF, Lycoming O-360 (180 H.P.) 363 SNEW, 1/78, 2/76, 3/78, 4/72, clean oil analysis, MT 3 blade reversible propeller 162 SNEW, 539 Useful load, IFR panel, GNS 530, Garmin 330ES Transponder, Vortex generators, Pulse light system, Aircraft components gear warning system, includes fixed gear, Paint & Interior 9/10, no damage history, digitized log book. Annual completed 10/25/24. Located in Northern Idaho at KCOE • Contact Kirk Lauer - COEUR D' ALENE AVIATION & MAINTENANCE , Broker - located Hayden, ID 83835 United States Telephone: ---------- • ---------- • Posted February 28, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images