Vans RV-8

VANS RV-8 • $123,900 • AVAILABLE • 2001 RV-8 O-360, Sensinich fixed, ACTT644,ETT644, Grove ldg gear, recently painted fairings removed for grass strip, elect flaps and trim, Emagair dual E-mags, beautiful leather interior, new instrument panel, Garmin G3X, 650, G5, GTX-45R, GTR-20 comm, GFC-500 wVNAV, GMA-245 bluetooth audio, GAP-26 AOA & heated pitot, IFR, paint 8, interior 9, 9-24 annual, Aircraft in excellent condition and ready to fly, Must see!! will deliver for expenses. Ralph McRae, Kinder,LA 70648, 337 208-1791 • Contact Ralph McRae , Owner - located Kinder, LA 70648 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted February 14, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images