1958 PA-24 180 Comanche

1958 PA-24 180 COMANCHE • $50,000 • OFFERED FOR SALE • 1958 Comanche 180HP TTAF 6721 TSMOH 2124 TSTOH 197 McCauley 3 Blade prop TSN 185. Speed mods Lo Presti Speed Slippers, Speed Spats, Knots2U Wing Root Fairings, Flap/Gap seals, Metco wing tips, two KX 155 nav/coms with one glideslope King KT 76C transponder, KLKN 35A GPS. One piece windshield battery is less than a year-old, Bruce cabin cover, UAVionix tail beacon. Same owner last 25 years always hangered. Light hail dings on alerions and stabilator. Shes running strong and is an economical cross-country plane. FRESH ANNUAL 10/2024 Located Eastland TX. (ETN) • Contact Larry Henderson , Owner - located Gordon, TX 76453 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 16, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images