2014 Vans RV-9A

2014 VANS RV-9A • $175,000 • FOR SALE OR TRADE • 2014 RV-9A 525 TTSN flown regularly. Superior XO-320, Catto 3 blade, dual Pmags, QB Fuselage, earthX, Classic Aero interior, Garmin G3X, 625, GDL39R, SL30, GMC305 Integrated Autopilot, PSEng Com 2 w/ Bluetooth, ADSB in/out, traffic/Wx, IBBS backup batt, GPS/Nav/ILS, IFR, by Steinair, Berringer nose wheel, Grove wheels, new tires, antisplat gear stiff, air/oil seperator, AeroLEDs, HID land/taxi, Vetterman Exh. w/ dual muffs, Reiff Pre Heat. I am the builder, All logs & Receipts, no damage, Ready to Rock. Consider trade for 180, 182, Maule, PA32 Husky, 8GCBC. fast efficient stable easy to fly. • Contact Derek Hoeschen , Owner - located West Fargo, ND 58078 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted December 19, 2024 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images