Mooney M20A 3265TT 626SMOH

MOONEY M20A 3265TT 626SMOH • $39,900 • FLY RIGHT NOW • Have a clean, dry, fast and efficient M20A ALWAYS Hangared 3265TT 626SMOH 657SPOH 1/24 Annual currently flying The Wood Wing A has a cult following as its the slickest wing and a bit faster than the later B&C. Wing is in great shape, always hangared. 140-150kts 9-10GPH Basic panel with recently updated Garmin 300XL, could be basic IFR but not currently certified. 7.5/10 paint does have a couple little paint flake spots (in pics) No Corrosion 7/10 interior The nicest complex you will find for anything less than 50k..Please no tire kickers.. Can be shown at Tompkinsville KY KTZV • Contact Calvin Wiley , - located Summer Shade, KY 42166 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted December 28, 2024 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images