1974 Cessna 177B Cardinal

1974 CESSNA 177B CARDINAL • $114,500 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • ATT:3638, SMOH:1773, Prop: 614, Sept2024 Annual. With nice paint leather interior. With the Powerflow exhaust, easily attainable cruise speeds in the 130+ knot range! Flies straight and true. Powerflow Exhaust, Avionics Master Switch, EDM 700 Engine Monitor, Dual Push to Talk Switches, Four Place Intercom, Articulating Seats, Alcor EGT and CHT, Maple Leaf Exhaust Fairing, New Vernier Prop Control, Flashing Beacon and Strobe Lights, Digital Fuel Flow, Monarch Fuel Caps, 406 ELT, PMA8000 Audio Panel, MX170B with Glideslope, MX170B with VOR, GTX327 Digital Transponder, GDL 82 ADS-B Out. • Contact Delta Mike Llc , - located Rocky Mount, VA 24151 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted February 28, 2025 • Display Specs Page • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images