1965 Beechcraft Debonair

1965 BEECHCRAFT DEBONAIR • $129,900 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • 1965 Beechcraft Debonair 35-C33 s/n CD-994 TT 3454 hrs. SMOH 9 hrs. Engine IO-470k 225 HP. Prop SOH 717 hrs. This airplane is sort of a time capsule. Original interior in really good condition, paint from the 1970's is faded but serviceable, Beech Pneumatic wing leveler, 6 cyl egt, digital tach, original style military attitude and directional gyros. Avionics 2- MX-12 nav/com radios, Narco DME 190, Narco Transponder, Tail Beacon ADSB out. During engine overhaul new engine isolator mounts, all new exhaust system, air/oil Seperator. Damage History from 1974 gear up, Well done repair • Contact Leonard Cobb - AVIATOR1 , Owner - located West Jordan, UT 84081 United States Telephone: 8012316733 • Posted March 2, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images