PROJECT C150 TW 160HP • $28,500 • ACCEPTING OFFERS • 1963 Cessna 150C Project. Approx 3850 hrs AFTT Eng approx 1200TSOH, 1HR run time since crankshaft AD and installation of latest oil pump gears and housing. New cleveland wheels and brakes, new tires and tubes. Flight instruments overhauled. King KLX 135A, KR87 A DF, GARMIN GTX 320 Xponde, Garmin Aera 560 in panel mount. New rudder and elevatot cables. Air raft has tail installed, and has een ground run only. Wings have long range fuel, but are not stc'd. All parts are there to fi ish or part. Call or text Randy 816 392 1572. Pi tures are available • Contact Randy Brooks , Owner - located Oak Grove, MO 64075 United States Telephone: 816-392-1572 • Posted March 15, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad