1969 CESSNA 180H on EDO 2870s

1969 CESSNA 180H ON EDO 2870S • $206,000 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • Airframe Time 5400, Engine SMOH 550 Hrs Conti 0-470R OH 2017, Propeller SPOH 138 Hrs 88" McCauley Seaplane Prop new in 2021, Avionics Stratus transponder and ADSB, Integrated WAAS with Appareo interface kit for traffic and weather, IPad radio panel mount, Equipment Wheel Gear, Edo 2870 floats refurbished 2020, AVAILABLE: Federal 2500 skis refurbished 2019 w/ manual pump avail at extra cost. Seaplane Exhaust, Brackett Air Filter, Oil quick drain, Rosen Vsrs, Shldr harnesses, Door stewards, Previously US Registered, 65 Gallon fuel, Useful load on floats 1000 lbs, Useful load on wheels 1300 lbs • Contact Pier Labelle, V.P. Sales - CANADIAN AIRCRAFT SALES , Broker - located Hawkesbury, ON K6A1A2 Canada Telephone: ---------- • ---------- • Fax: ---------- • Posted March 17, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images