1950 Cessna 190

1950 CESSNA 190 • $90,000 • FOR SALE • TT est 2,000. 0SMOH A2 300hp w/ majority NOS parts, 2B20-15 0SOH, NOS 195 cowling & engine mount assembly, all accy's NOS or OH'd. Jasco Alt, new bladders & selector valve, all new wiring, McFarlane controls, OH'd flap motor, new control cables, Garmin Nav/Com, Com, audio panel, transponder & ADSB in. run & taxi tested. original log books & AW cert lost. all receipts, manuals, & 337's filed. 7 point EGT-CHT fuel flow monitor etc. moved & lost interest. Spare parts include, used EX, x-wind & tailwheel assemblies, engine parts & accy's, wheel pants, interior stuff. has minor dings never painted • Contact Bradley Ball , Owner - located Santa Paula, CA 93061 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 18, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images