2006 Husky - Low time/NDH

2006 HUSKY - LOW TIME/NDH • $230,000 • AVAILABLE • This is a gorgeous, IFR 2006 A-1B Husky with about 230 TTSNEW. It has the A-1C wing, MT 2-blade prop with about 150 hours on it, 2200lbs MGW, extended baggage, Alpha Systems AOA, new ELT, LED landing lights, Avidyne IFD-540, Garmin G5s, multi-probe engine monitor, no damage history. Photos of camshaft available from my pre-buy from original owner due to very low time (looks brand new). For sale or trade for a very low time Pitts S-2C. Located in Snohomish, WA - I'm a CFI - can do checkout and/or Tailwheel endorsement. • Contact Hogarth De La Plante , - located Oakland, CA 94609 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 23, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images