100 hp Fire Breathing Monster The TBO is 450 hours. If you Limit the power to 80hp by a tach redline you can go easily to 600 hrs.
Very streamlined profile. Total weight 115 lbs. 4.5 gph or less. It uses the same 5800 RPM redline as a Rotax 912.
At 801 cc's it's a big engine. Flat slide carbs help on performance, East to inspect external water pump & proven reed valves.
Less than 1/2 the price of a 912 & replacement parts 60% less than a Rotax 582 A Rotax.582 crank is $2000. A Victor 2 $750
Flat slide carbs are standard. Also Electric start, C gearbox, Mono Exhaust, fuel pump ,regulator, air filters & starter relay.
With a long power stroke you use the combustion longer & that equals better fuel economy. Same as a Rave valve.
Shown are other included items. It uses the exact same engine mount as a 582 & the same Ducati Dual ignition as a Rotax 582..
By far easier to service than a Rotax. The water pump is external & the cylinders are Nicad to help prevent cold piston scuffing.
Look a 2 stroke is for homebuilders. The 912 is a complicated engine to install & to service with costly replacement parts.
Once I guide you on installation & operating there should be little required maintenance for the entire 450 hr. TBO period.
For the money $10,750 this is the very best 100 hp Aircraft engine that you can get. The overhaul cost is only $2850 WOW !!!!!