Float Plane / Aztec Nomad

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AZTEC NOMAD SEAPLANE • PRICE SLASHED • Cruise 160 mph, twin engines (yes IFR capable) more comfort, more safety, more speed, more payload, less A.Ds, inside primed, EDO floats, a rugged aircraft that can take you places fast, good parts support with operating costs a fraction of the Beaver. We have floats in stock so bring your Aztec, or we will supply one, and in 3 months you will have an Aztec Nomad Seaplane. We continue to work on the STC for the Amphibious Aztec Nomad and it is a daunting task. The Amphibious Aztec Nomad, when approved, might be the most exciting and practical aircraft to be introduced in the last 50 years.AZTEC NOMAD • Contact Dave Gronfors - AIR MUSKOKA , Owner - located Bracebridge, ONT P1L 0K7 Canada Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 27, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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