PROPELLERS, CARBON FIBER, WOOD • FOR SALE • Prince P-TIP-High Performance Carbon Fiber and Wood Propellers, Anti-Vortex Tips, Automatic Pitch Control, Increased Efficiency and Noise Reduction. Avid, BD-4, BD-5, Cozy, Defiant, Glasair, Glastar, Hummel, Kitfox, Lancair, Long/Vari-Eze, Murphy, Onex, Pitts, RV-4, RV-6, RV-8, RV-12, Sonex, T-18, UAV/RPV, Ultralight, Velocity, Zenair, Xenos. Continental, Jabiru, Lycoming, Revmaster, Rotax, Rotec, Subaru, Volkswagon, 1/2 VW, 2-Blade, Multi-Blade, Scale, Wind Tunnel, Custom Designs for all Aircraft / Engines, Repairs and Overhauls. Worldwide Exporting, Exceptional Customer Service for 46 years.VISIT OUR WEBSITE • Contact Lonnie Prince - PRINCE AIRCRAFT COMPANY , - located Whitehouse, OH 43571 United States Telephone: ---------- • Fax: ---------- • BUSINESS CARD •  Posted March 2, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images