1963 Beech 18 Tradewind 1 of 2

1963 BEECH 18 TRADEWIND 1 OF 2 • ACCEPTING OFFERS • Show stopping 1963 Beech 18 Tradewind. A XXL Baron, with a 3,284 LB useful load, 202 gallons of fuel and club seating for 2+5 passengers. TT 1629, SMOH 534L/66R, 430W, ADS-b out,NDH,2 place + obs intercom, 2,072.5 LB UL with full fuel, Oil/engine preheater, Engine cowl covers/blankets, Propeller shipping boxes, Heater replaced recently, Approx 180KTAS at 10,500 (40gph). Hangared at KBJC, Oil Samples available for both engines. Lots of spare parts available! Asking $169,500. This airplane would be great for an Aviation business, fly to a show, put up a banner and you'll have a crowd.VIEW MORE PICTURES/LOGS HERE! • Contact Scott Hager - ON CENTERLINE AVIATION, LLC , Owner - located Denver, CO 80202 United States Telephone: ---------- • ---------- • Posted March 7, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images