Wipline 13000 Amphibious Float

WIPLINE 13000 AMPHIBIOUS FLOAT • AVAILABLE • Pre-owned “Never installed” 13000 Amphibious floats and partial rigging (All rigging from the belly of the aircraft down, a new hydraulic pump, and finlets). Includes the following options: 3 wide boarding steps on left Airstair door area 55", 2 wide boarding steps on Right side boarding area, 2 narrow boarding steps pilot and co-pilot areas, Caution propeller stripes painted on floats (Extra-large caution propeller area, wing strut to propeller) includes float baggage compartments. Does not include any 13000A float rigging inside the aircraft fuselage (Except for what is noted above).VISIT MY WEBSITE • Contact Diane Wille - WIPAIRE, INC. , Broker - located South St Paul, MN 55075 United States Telephone: ---------- • ---------- • Fax: ---------- • Posted March 4, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images