1966 MOONEY M20E Super 21

1966 MOONEY M20E SUPER 21 • $95,000 • FOR SALE BY OWNER • 4465TT 374SMOH PennYan, New 3 blade prop 374 hrs. New nose cone. Excellent X-Country IFR plane with AUTOPILOT. hydraulic flaps, electric gear (new actuator). No expense ever spared for upgrades and maintenance of this beautiful airplane. Stratus ADS-B in panel($6000) 2 radios, 2 VORs, one with glideslope, ADF, 3M Stormscope. Apollo GX-50 IFR Approach GPS/Moving map. Both fuel tanks resealed($5000). Tanis engine preheat LoPresti speed mods incl. gap seals. Wing tips with strobes. One piece belly. New ign. coil & magnetos, new engine mounts. Shower spark start. Inspection and annual on request • Contact Nikita Grigoriev - GRIGORIEV AVIATION , Owner - located Richfield Springs, NY 13439 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 13, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images